Friday, 22 August 2014

ONE WORLD MASONIC & SATANIC RELIGION will replace Catholic Church and will promote SECULAR HUMANISM

*MY NOTE: Very important to read it, because these things are going to happen.

Check these predictions , watch what happens and then you will know if these messages are true.



  Notice: the website was permanently cancelled.
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Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God

My dearly beloved daughter, it is My Desire that all My cherished followers pray hard to deflect the harm to souls, because of the growth of atheism. Atheism does not always declare itself. Very often, people who have decided, for whatever reason, to no longer believe in God, create a substitute.

Because of the makeup of man, he must seek out a cause in order to justify his existence. The curse of humanism is that it exalts man in the eyes of man. All that must be done, according to the humanist, is to ensure that man’s needs come first. Many people confuse humanism with Christianity. When one proclaims the importance of worldly goods in the lives of man, at all cost, in order to avoid suffering or poverty, it is easy to assume that this is a form of love for one’s neighbour.

If you say that you want to put a stop to poverty, unemployment and other miseries, many will think you are speaking in the Name of God. Look behind the mask of humanism and you will not find signs of God, nor will you hear His Name mentioned. Those who live their lives as humanists do not love God. They only love themselves. They also believe that all that matters is the wellbeing – usually in the form of worldly things – of humanity, as a means to an end.

While it may seem charitable, to be seen to care about the needs of man, you can never substitute God, by placing the needs of man first. When you do this, you insult God. Humanism, while having all the exterior signs of love for God, is not what it seems. Behind the mask of love lurks a love of self. Man will die, his body will turn to dust, his soul will live on, yet, humanism would have you believe that man is immortal.

Be careful when you embrace humanism, because when you do, you cut yourselves off from Me.

Your Jesus

Many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels

My dearly beloved daughter, many will soon begin to use their knowledge of science to evaluate the Most Holy Gospels. Instead of declaring the Truth of My Word, which comes from the Wisdom of God, they will start to twist it so as to give it a more modern image.

All of My Words, contained in the Holy Gospel, will be interpreted differently. They will say My Word means something new, which will be more relevant in the world today. They will try to give examples as to how I would teach you, were I to walk the Earth at this time. Gone will be the simplicity of the Word of God, which is for everyone. Those who are intelligent, knowledgeable and who are proud of man’s progress in the world of science, will then begin to make insulting statements.

The Church will embrace so-called new scientific discoveries, which will discredit what is contained in the Holy Bible. They will reveal what they say will be new evidence, which casts doubt as to how the world was created. They will then say that much of what is contained in the Bible are simply metaphors designed to create peace amongst men. They will use the message of humanism, love of one another, in terms of your ability to look after the poor, uneducated and needy, as a substitute for the Truth you were given in the Gospels. Then, the false new doctrines which will seem similar to the Truth, will be embraced by priests, and only those who remain firm to My Word will keep the Truth alive.

My beloved followers, when you find that very few will listen anymore to the Truth – the Word of God – then you must comfort each other. You must continue to remind those in My Churches, who will applaud the heresies, which will be introduced, of the Truth for many of them will be none the wiser. So far will they fall away from Me, that they will readily accept such changes. It will be much easier for those with little faith to accept the word of those who demand reformation, than to remain true to the Word of God.

The call for the first changes will be made soon. With a sweetness that will soothe and passionate talk about the need to rise up as one united world – to show love and tolerance for all – you will be led into the greatest error. Many will be shocked at how quickly My Church will seem to embrace the secular world. Many will be enthralled at the way in which different religions, pagans and heretics, will scramble to join this new, one world charitable church. They will say: “At last a church which is tolerant has reached out to all.” No longer will they feel ashamed to show disobedience to God. Instead, they will proudly proclaim that their wretched sins are not only acceptable in the Eyes of God, but they are no longer deemed to be sins at all. This will create great rejoicing everywhere.

For the first time in history, those who lead My Church into error will be loved, adored and virtually no criticism leveled upon them.
The greatest heresy, not seen since My death on the Cross, will now devour My Church on Earth.  
They will fill My Churches with insulting pagan symbols and I will be nowhere to be seen. And while they fill the buildings, which they created to adore Me, My True Church, comprising of those who remain faithful to the Truth, will become the only True Temple of God, for they will never accept the desecration of My Body. Their faith will enable them to spread the Gospels and keep the Flame of the Holy Spirit alight.

Your Jesus

You cannot impart the Truth when your ego seeks popularity

My dearly beloved daughter, how it pains Me to see so many people accept the false humility, which lies behind the humanism, which is so favoured by those in My Church.

My Role as Saviour and Redeemer of the human race has now been forgotten. The false humility, within My Church, will continue to be witnessed and all will applaud those who promote the need to look after material welfare of those in need. All this will result in a false religion.

When did you, who call yourselves servants of God, decide to replace the True Word of God
with your own flawed interpretation of it? When did you decide to replace Christianity with humanism, where no mention is made of Me? Don’t you know that nothing comes from that which does not come from God? How little you have learned and how foolish you are if you believe that your so-called good works – in concentrating on material welfare – can ever replace the Truth.

When you ignore your primary role – the most important doctrine of saving the souls of God’s children – then you can never say you are a servant of Mine. How easy it is for you to call out to save the poor, the wretched and the economically deprived members of your society. By following this misguided trail, where you seek the world’s admiration for your so-called good deeds, then you forget the most important role, for which you were called. That is to serve Me, your Jesus. It is not to seek personal popularity in My Holy Name. What good is it to anyone to have the creature comforts in life when they cannot save their soul? If you seek admiration from the secular world, through public acts, designed to make you popular, then you do not carry My Cross. If you do not imitate Me, then you cannot speak for Me. You cannot impart the Truth when your ego seeks popularity.

When you forget the Sacrifice I made to save your souls, then you cannot serve Me. When a priest forgets the reason why he became a servant of Mine, his fall from grace is ten times that of an ordinary soul. For when he removes himself from Me he takes with him the souls whom he influences and who trust his judgment. Hear now, My servants, this, My Call to save the souls of all those over whom you have been appointed through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. When you fail to repeat what you have been taught, you do not teach the Truth.

When you promote humanism and urge those souls within your diocese to do the same, you reject Me. You replace Me, Jesus Christ, with the desire not only to promote social justice, but to seek admiration for your good works in the eyes of others. Their admiration and your desire to be popular means that you no longer serve Me. When you no longer serve Me, you allow yourselves to fall into error and soon you will no longer acknowledge Me at all in the way you are supposed to.

Only the few, the elect, will serve Me up to the final Day. On that Day, many of those who call themselves servants in My Church on Earth will weep and scream begging Me to show them Mercy. By then, they will have lost Me billions of souls and for many of them they will be so caught up in the abomination, that they will fail to understand the truth of their destiny, until it is too late.

Wake up those of you who are uneasy with the sense of desolation and confusion, which surrounds you as servants of Mine at this time. Remain firmly rooted in the Truth at all times. Remember your role as My sacred servants and that is to feed My Flock with the Truth and ensure that they receive the Food necessary to salvage their souls.

Your job is to bring Me souls.

Your Jesus

There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route

(this is just a part of the message)

Christians will soon be banned from practicing their faith in public places, in schools, in colleges, until eventually in the Temples of God. You may say – surely this is impossible – to prevent Christians from practicing their faith, in their own churches? This will come about in the most cunning way, where millions will be deceived, with little notice paid, as every single detail of the Word, as it is now, will change, but this will pass quietly. Only those who pay attention will see the changes and, after a while, it will become acceptable to open all Christian churches to welcome all faiths, including those who do not believe in Me. However, not all those who follow faiths, which do not idolize the Triune God, will be forced into the new one world church. No. It will be the Christians, who will be made to idolize paganism, which will be carefully presented as a new church and which will embrace a new form of ‘communion’ – a church for everyone – where I, Jesus Christ, will not feature. 

As and from this year, My Crosses will begin to disappear and while My Churches, and those who say they serve Me, talk about the importance of humanism, you will not hear talk of the importance of surrendering to Me, Jesus Christ, your Saviour. You, therefore, will not be prepared for Eternal Salvation. The importance of following My path to My Father will not be mentioned, nor will the importance of the Holy Sacraments be discussed. Instead, you will be told of the importance of looking after the needs and welfare of others, which will be used as a substitute for adoring Me. I Am the Church. My Body is My Church, but in time, I will be brushed completely to one side. Your heads will be filled with untruths. You will be told of every type of path, which is needed to bring you closer to God. But every path you will be told to walk down will be in the opposite direction.

Know now, that there is only one Truth. There is only one path to God and that is through Me, Jesus Christ. There is no other route. 

Your Jesus
Read more:

Not at My Feet will they fall. It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers, My sinners

My dearly beloved daughter when Judas Iscariot betrayed Me, he held My Head and kissed me on the cheek. When those who lead My Church say they love Me, and then betray Me, you will see, clearly, their kiss of betrayal.

Not at My Feet will they fall.  It will not be My Feet they kiss, but those of My servants, My followers , My sinners.

Showing concern for the needs of fellow human beings is admirable.  But when you promote the physical well-being of the needs of man over their spiritual needs it is not I, Jesus Christ, you follow.

Humanism is not Christianity. To be Christian means surrendering all to Me, abandoning yourself in full humility at My Feet. It means allowing Me to guide you. It means obedience to My Laws and doing all that you can to show the example of My Love for you all. Today I was betrayed.

Not for long can, nor will, you be deceived for once the House of God is attacked from within nothing but disorder can follow. You must pick up your Cross and follow Me for soon you will be blindfolded and you will stumble and fall in the dark.

Without the Light of God you will not be able to see.

Your Jesus

Mother of Salvation: Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered

My child, as Christians the world over continue to be persecuted, mocked and sneered at, be aware also that they will divide amongst themselves. Each one to his own; each to his own desire and each to his own interpretation as to what it really means to serve my beloved Son.

While people are frightened by the terror by which Christians have to live their daily lives at the hands of wicked men, they must know that this is but just one form of scourging, which those who proclaim the Word of Jesus have to endure. Every attempt to undermine Christianity is being made by governments, human rights organisations and other powers that claim to promote the welfare of humanity. Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered.

Humanism, the rationalism used by the evil one to encourage people to use science to undermine the Divinity of my Eternal Father, will devour the world. On the outside its smooth tones will convince any man, who does not have love in his heart for God, that it is more desirable than the Truth. To convince man that humanism is superior to the Word of God is the ultimate goal of my Son’s enemies. Humanism provides a cunning cover for the traitors within my Son’s Church who desire to be seen to be loving, caring and vocal about the needs of others. They will preach humanism and all its empty promises from the pulpits in Christian Churches until, virtually, no mention will be made of the importance of salvaging your souls. Sin will be dismissed as being a way to avoid conflict in the world but not recognised as being a real thing.

The greatest deception of all time has descended and soon all of you will find it difficult to remain loyal to the Truth. The Truth brings understanding and a realisation of what it takes to achieve true peace and love in your soul. It means that you will know the Love, as well as the Justice of God. It also means that you will be aware of God’s Mercy.

When all mention of sin is eradicated and when my Son’s Church no longer refers to the importance of salvaging your soul, you will know then that the times are upon you and that my Son’s Time is close.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


My Church, when it divides and falls, will embrace humanism with great relish

My dearest child, the greatest deception, which will descend upon humanity, will come from within my Son’s Church on Earth and it will be instigated by His enemies, who have infiltrated it by devious means. Satan will enter my Son’s Church and the signs will be clearly seen by those who have the Spirit of God firmly implanted in their souls.

The faith of my Son’s holy servants will be shattered, as many will feel compelled to desert Him through acts of sacrilege. Many poor unfortunate servants will be asked to swear allegiance to a new oath and they will be too frightened to walk away, although many will know, deep within their hearts, that it will be wrong.

Many new rules will be introduced into my Son’s Church on Earth, as thousands of newcomers will be sworn into the Church and they will not be authentic, for they will not have the True Spirit of Christ within their hearts. They will enter the Church and will bear witness to a new one world religion, which will not honour my Son, Jesus Christ. Not only will they not serve Him, their duty will be to serve the needs of humanism, which will, at its very core, deny the Existence of the Supernatural State of God and all that He stands for. 

The clergy, who once pledged their lives to God, will be drawn into this great deceit and as a consequence will lose the True Faith. They will not promote the importance of the salvation of souls, which was made possible by my Son’s death on the Cross. The Cross is at the centre of Christianity. There is only one Cross and it will be through the Cross that the first visible signs of the betrayal of my Son will be seen. New kinds of crosses will be introduced which will snub the Sign of the Cross and what it means in the hearts of man.

Non-believers, who up to now, had no interest in Christianity, will be drawn into the so-called new one world church. Along with all other religions, which do not spring from the Truth, they will scoff and sneer at the children of God, who will remain true to the Word of God.

The True Church will become a Remnant and this Army will unite throughout the world to become the latter-day saints and they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit in order to sustain the Truth. They will be spat at; laughed at and accused of being radicals, just as my Son, Jesus Christ, was accused of heresy when He walked the Earth to preach the Truth.
It will require tremendous courage to stay true to the Word of God, for you will be accused of wrongdoing. Your crime they, the enemies of God, will say is that you spread untruths about this abomination. Everything, which comes from God, will be declared to be a lie, while the truth, which they will say is represented by the new one world religion, will be a lie.
The Holy Spirit will, however, cover those who continue to spread the Holy Gospels and my Son will cover you and protect you. The future of the survival of the human race and the right to the Eternal Life, promised to every man, woman and child, will rest on your shoulders. It will be the Remnant, which will keep the Light of God aglow in a world, which will be plunged into darkness.

Many of you will be challenged and lies planted within your hearts, by the spirit of evil, to turn you away from the Truth. Sadly, many of you will find it too difficult to remain true to your convictions and you will be tempted to turn your backs on my Son.

To ensure that you remain strong, courageous, calm and at peace, as you take up the Cross of my Son on your shoulders, you must recite this Crusade Prayer. For many of you who find it difficult to accept that these things are to come, there will come a day when you will recite this, Crusade Prayer (158) three times a day, because the pressures, which will be placed upon you to deny my Son, will be overwhelming.

Crusade Prayer (158) Protect me from the one world religion:
Dear Jesus, protect me from the evil of the new one world religion, which does not come from You. Sustain me on my journey to freedom, along the path to Your Holy Kingdom.

Keep me in union with You, whenever I am tormented and forced to swallow lies, which are spread by Your enemies to destroy souls.

Help me to withstand persecution, to remain firm to the True Word of God against false doctrines and other sacrileges, which I may be forced to accept.

Through the gift of my free will, take me into the Domain of Your Kingdom, to enable me to stand up and proclaim the Truth, when it will be declared to be a lie. 

Never let me falter, hesitate or run away in fear, in the face of persecution. Help me to remain 
firm and steadfast to the Truth for as long as I live. Amen.

Go, my dear children, and accept that these things will happen, but know that if you remain loyal to my Son, you will help to save those souls who will be plunged into error.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


Humanism is an affront to God

My dearly beloved daughter, do not concern yourselves with the spirit of evil, which corrupts the world. Leave all to Me. For as long as you love Me, revere Me and love others, according to My Holy Will, I will protect you from the pain of all things that are against Me.

The worst pain you will have to endure will be that of witnessing so called acts of charity and humanitarian concerns on a global scale, which will mask the true intentions of My enemies. You will know, within your hearts, that the deceiver is at work. When the secular world and those who claim to represent Me speak of politics, humanitarian acts but fail to proclaim the importance of preserving human life, at all costs, then know that this is not what I desire. If those who say they represent Me do not speak with the same passion about the evil of abortion, as they do about other acts against humanity, then be aware that something is amiss.

My Father will punish all those who murder His children, including the children who are still being nourished in the womb waiting to be born. The perpetrators of such crimes will suffer a terrible punishment unless they repent of their sins against Him. Those who are of Me and who represent My Church on earth have failed to proclaim the Truth. Murder, including abortion, is one of the greatest sins against God. It takes an extraordinary act of contrition in order to be absolved of such a sin. Why then does My Church not fight with vigor against this sin – one of the most abominable acts of defiance against My Father? Why do they distract you from acknowledging the most serious of sins while they preach about the importance of humanitarian acts?

Humanism is an affront to God because it focuses on man’s needs and not the need to repent of sin before the Creator of all that is. If you ignore the mortal sins, clearly defined in the Laws laid down by God, which lead to eternal damnation, then no amount of compassion for the civil rights of the human race will atone for those sins.

If you believe in Me, and if you serve Me, then you must speak only of the Truth. The Truth is that sin is your greatest enemy – not those who persecute you. Mortal sin, if not repented, will lead you to Hell.  If you are in mortal sin and spend time supporting great acts of charity and humanitarian deeds, and do not repent, then your soul will be lost.

Remember the Truth. Do not be misled by talk, acts or deeds of charity when the most important task is to fight mortal sin. The sacred servant of Mine who refuses to remind you of the consequences of mortal sin does not understand his or her mission in serving Me. You cannot sweep sin under the ground, out of sight, as if it does not exist. No amount of empathy with people who are persecuted in My Name, will make up for the fact  that sinners do not reconcile themselves with Me, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of sin.

Your Jesus


Read more about one world masonic & satanic religion which will replace Catholic Church and will promote secular humanism:

My notes:

Read my article about Pope Francis which proves that he is an honorary member of masonic Rotary Club.

What does God say about the world?

1 John 2:15-17 
15 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. 16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever."

John 12:31
31 "Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out."

Matthew 10:16 
16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

1 John 3:13
13 "Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you."

John 15:18-19
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."


1 John 5:19

"We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one."

Features of an Anti-Christ  

Judging from unquestionable evidences, how can we fail to pronounce Freemasonry an unchristian institution? We can see that its morality is unchristian. Its oath-bound secrecy is unchristian. The administration and taking of its oaths are unchristian and a violation of the positive command of Christ. And Masonic oaths pledge its members to some of the most unlawful and unchristian things:

1. To conceal each other's crimes.

2. To deliver each other from difficulty, whether right or wrong.

3. To unduly favor Masonry in political action and in business matters.

4. Its members are sworn to retaliate and persecute unto death the violators of Masonic obligations.

5. Freemasonry knows no mercy, and swears its candidates to avenge violations of Masonic obligations unto death.

6. Its oaths are profane, taking the Name of God in vain.

7. The penalties of these oaths are barbarous, even savage.

8. Its teachings are false and profane.

9. Its designs are partial and selfish.

10. Its ceremonies are a mixture of puerility and profanity.

11. Its religion is false.

12. It professes to save men on other conditions than those revealed in the Gospel of Christ.

13. It is wholly an enormous falsehood.

14. It is a swindle, obtaining money from its members under false pretenses.

15. It refuses all examinations, and veils itself under a mantle of oath-bound secrecy.

16. It is virtual conspiracy against both Church and State.


In 1983, Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the personal approval of Pope John Paul II,  issued a Declaration on Masonic Associations, which reiterated the Church's objections to Freemasonry. The Declaration states:

    "The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion...." and "...the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association(s) remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden."

  • "Love Yourself First" will be rule number one of new global satanic religion as is predicted in this message from Jesus: 

     Jesus says: 

                           (this is just a small part of the message)

    "Love of oneself will be the underlying message.

    Love yourself first and you will find it easier to love your neighbour will be their message and this will be the biggest lie they will force you, My followers, to swallow.

    Love of oneself ahead of others offends God.

    It is selfish. Do not listen to the lies. Yet so convincing will they be that many will believe what they are being told and will follow the leader of this One World Religion like lambs to the slaughter.

    Infiltrating so many nations the New World Religion will be condoned by many Governments."

     Read more here:

"Do we live in the end times? - Bible, Virgin Mary and saints' prophecies about the end times"

Friday, 15 August 2014

Do we live in the end times? - Bible, Virgin Mary and saints' prophecies about the end times

If you watch these times, then you know something is happening. 

  • People's hearts turned into stone and love just themselves and money. They say "love yourself first."

"Love Yourself First" will be rule number one of new global satanic religion as is predicted in this message from Jesus: 


Jesus says: 

                               (this is just a small part of the messsage)

"Love of oneself will be the underlying message.

Love yourself first and you will find it easier to love your neighbour will be their message and this will be the biggest lie they will force you, My followers, to swallow.

Love of oneself ahead of others offends God.

It is selfish. Do not listen to the lies. Yet so convincing will they be that many will believe what they are being told and will follow the leader of this One World Religion like lambs to the slaughter.

Infiltrating so many nations the New World Religion will be condoned by many Governments."

 Read more here:



Notice: the website was permanently cancelled.
All messages and prayers from this website are saved here:

 --Our Lady of La Salette said: "Rome will lose the Faith and become the seat of the Antichrist."

If you want to know more about this, read my article:

"THE FINAL SECRET OF FATIMA reveals the Truth of Satan’s evil sect entering the Vatican" - Jesus , The Freemasons in Rome in 1917: "satan will rule from the Vatican. The Pope will be his slave." 

  •  We hear about wars and rumours about wars as was predicted in Bible for the end times.

  •  Knowledge rapidly increased as was predicted for the end times 

2 Timothy 3:1-17 

"But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people."

Daniel 12:4 

But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Matthew 24:3-14

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”
Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13 but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Luke 17:28-30

28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

2 Peter 3:3-4 

Knowing this first of all, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own sinful desires. They will say, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things are continuing as they were from the beginning of creation.

Matthew 24:36-44 

“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only. For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken and one left. 

Revelation 1:7

Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

(MY NOTE: Antichrist will claim to be Jesus Christ, he will walk on this Earth, but Bible says Jesus will come here the second time in clouds. In one message Jesus says:
"I will never walk in the flesh again"

John 1:11 

He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him.

That was Bible. Now, let's take a look at what Virgin Mary and saints say about the end times.

  • Sr. Lucia, one of the children of Fatima said to Fr. Fuentes, (Dec. 26, 1957)  regarding the rosary,
    she said, “The most holy Virgin in these last times in which we live has given a new efficacy to
    the recitation of the Rosary to such an extent that there is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, whether temporal or spiritual, in the personal life of each one of us, that cannot be solved by the Rosary.  

  • Many of those events have occurred,
    while the remaining
    are unfolding now,
    right before our very eyes.
    The following is the list of events that was
    given to Gianna Sullivan, by Our Lady of Emmitsburg:

  • There will be a great number of mega-mergers,by banks and corporate institutions.
  • A cashless society will develop around the world.
  • There will be forces of power which will manipulate and ultimately restrict our freedom.
  • Philanthropists will rise to the forefront who, by their monetary influence, are gaining world power, which will soon effect the world’s economy.
  • Environmental devastation will be occurring.
  • There will be massive numbers of fish dying, due to polluted water and disease.
However the two most tangible signs given
by our Lady indicating that the world has entered
into the time of great trials and tribulations are;
  • Dr. Gianna Sullivan would have a child, and by the time that child reached age 7, the time of trials and tribulations would be under way.  (Dr. Gianna Sullivan’s only child reached the age of 7 in 2003.)
  • Our Lady also explained that after the death of Pope John Paul II, it will be very clear that we have entered this time of great trials and tribulations.  (Pope John Paul II died on April 2, 2005.)
Therefore, according to the prophecy,
We are now in the predicted time of
Great Trials and Tribulations.
  •  St. Antony the Abbot - Fourth Century:
        "Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church and the world are one, then those days are at hand"   

  • “In Those Days Jesus Christ Will Send
    Them Not A True Pastor, But A Destroyer.”
    —St. Francis of Assisi

    Shortly before he died, St. Francis of Assisi called together his followers and warned them of the coming troubles, saying:

    "1. The time is fast approaching in which there will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase.

    "2. The devils will have unusual power, the immaculate purity of our Order, and of others, will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity. At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death.

    "3. Then scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be divided, and many others will be entirely destroyed, because they will consent to error instead of opposing it.

    "4. There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy, that, except those days were shortened, according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were they not specially guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense mercy of God.

    "5. Then our Rule and manner of life will be violently opposed by some, and terrible trials will come upon us. Those who are found faithful will receive the crown of life; but woe to those who, trusting solely in their Order, shall fall into tepidity, for they will not be able to support the temptations permitted for the proving of the elect.

    "6. Those who preserve their fervour and adhere to virtue with love and zeal for the truth, will suffer injuries and, persecutions as rebels and schismatics; for their persecutors, urged on by the evil spirits, will say they are rendering a great service to God by destroying such pestilent men from the face of the earth. but the Lord will be the refuge of the afflicted, and will save all who trust in Him. And in order to be like their Head, [Christ] these, the elect, will act with confidence, and by their death will purchase for themselves eternal life; choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy.

    "7. Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer."

    Read more: 
PS:  So, do we live in the end times? Answer yourself.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Jesus about: wars that are happening, World War 3, leaders and intentions of involved countries

*MY NOTE: Very important to read it, because these things are going to happen.

Check these predictions , watch what happens and then you will know if these messages are true.




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The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.

My chosen race will suffer

The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries. Their power over the land of their forefathers will be taken and the only solution will be to sign a treaty where they will become slaves to the antichrist.My chosen race will suffer, just as I did, and little mercy will be shown to them.

The treatment of the Jews will be worse than that shown to them during the genocide, which took place in the Second World War.

It will be in Israel that the Tribulation will be seen, as foretold, clearly.

It will be because of Israel, that wars will escalate, when it will become difficult to determine who the real enemy will be.
The peace treaty will be signed soon afterwards and the man of peace will enter the world stage.

European Union will crush all traces of God

The beast with the ten horns, that is the European Union, will crush all traces of God.

Now is the time to prepare for their cruelty, which will be unprecedented, when it will come to the abolition of Christianity.

How proud they will be when the little one, hidden amongst them, will rise and boast of his power. They will applaud the appointed leader of a new church and his power will spread over the world.

This will develop quickly and to those sacred servants of Mine, who do not accept the Truth of this prophecy, you must know this.

Should you conform to the new laws of Rome, a city, which will be seized by the liar and servant of the antichrist, you will become a prisoner of this new regime. When you see the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist being amended and changed beyond recognition, know that this will be your chance to turn your back on this wicked regime.

My Church is infallible. It will remain infallible. If others, however, within My Church, rebel against My Teachings and change the Holy Sacraments they will be cast away from My Church. The new regime, not of God, will be fallible for it will not represent the Truth. Only My Teachings can be adhered to by Christians.

If you follow a manmade religion you cannot call yourself a Christian. Anyone who says that My Church is infallible is correct.

Anyone who claims to belong to a new church, where My Teachings have been tampered with and where My Sacraments have been abolished, will be living a lie.

This will be a very difficult time for My sacred servants, for they must follow the Laws laid down by My Church. I say to you now that you must still do this. But, as soon as My Sacraments have been desecrated, only follow My True Church. By then only those servants who follow the Truth can claim to lead My people according to the instructions laid down by Me during My time on earth.

Rise of Paganism
The rise of paganism will sweep over the earth and in its wake a false sense of peace will be created. Then you will see the rise in the adulation of celebrities and a fanatical devotion to new age spiritualism and satanic worship, disguised as modern psychological therapy. This is where worship of oneself will be the most important trait to strive for.

Sexual immorality will increase as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies

Abortion and murder will be so common that many will become immune to any feeling of compassion for those who are vulnerable.

It will be during this time that My army will continue, undaunted, in their mission to save souls. Nothing will stop them and for every hour of their prayers I will mitigate much of this suffering in the world.

To the Jews I say this. You have suffered because of your failure to listen to the Word of God through the prophets. You, however, will finally accept the True Messiah soon. Then you, too, will join My Army as it marches towards victory against the antichrist.

You will suffer just as I did for this has been foretold. The House of David will have its day of victory on the day I will raise up the New Jerusalem out of the ashes. As My New Kingdom emerges the king of the pagan world and his servants will be turned into ashes.

My Promise to come to bring you to My Father’s Kingdom is close. To you I pledge My Love and My Loyalty, as your promised Messiah, promised to you so long ago.
This is your inheritance. You did not reject Me, your Jesus when I was crucified. You rejected God.

I Am God. I Am the way for you to enter the New Paradise. Accept My Hand for I love you, I
forgive you. You are My People and I Am coming for you.

Your Jesus

Time for the Second Seal to open, as wars will increase

My dearly beloved daughter, it is time for the Second Seal to open, as wars will increase and spread.

The avenging dark angel comes from one source, My daughter, and these wars are all connected.
They did not happen because of regional unrest. They were planned by the West.

These wars have been ignited, deliberately, in order to control, and many of these nations are painted as demonic, with lies spread about their political leaders.

Children, these wars have been cunningly set up, all at once, the objective being to remove leader after leader.

Peaceful solutions will be presented and applauded, but they are false.

You, My children, are being deceived.

Rumour of war is just that – rumour. How do rumours start? Who starts them and why?

Why do you think so many countries became embroiled in these wars at the same time?

This was not a coincidence.

There is a plan being organised by the antichrist to control and conquer these nations who have rich resources.

Once they control these countries they will become very powerful.

As these wars increase and become wearisome, then the antichrist will make himself known, as the peaceful negotiator.

Few of you are being told the Truth, because of the control that the antichrist and his organisations hold, in the world of communications.

Pray now, as the wars will increase, so as to render their plans impotent.

Know that Israel, so influenced by the West, will be rejected and betrayed by the US, when they least expect it.

It will be then that the holocaust I speak of will take place.

Pray, pray, pray for the people of Israel, who will continue to suffer for their sins, until My Second Coming.

Your beloved Jesus

Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared

My dearly beloved daughter, it is important that people, the world over, turn and ask Me to protect them from the scourge of war, at this time. 

Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared and then the greatest enemy, that is communism, will create great turmoil amongst all nations. Power and a hunger for it, is born out of selfishness. Those who seek power will, in time, have none, when they have to stand before Me. Those who persecute the weak and the vulnerable will suffer their own persecution, thrice that which they inflicted on others.

These wars will end in turmoil. Lives will be lost, but then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war. When this war takes place, millions of lives will be lost. When all seems hopeless, the man of peace /antichrist/ will appear and then the beginning of the end will be witnessed. 

My Life, My Presence, will ensure that hope, love and prayer will continue, so as to ease the pain of God’s children, during these times. All wars, I assure you, will be short. All these terrible events will be short-lived, but know that when they take place, that the timing of all that is meant to be will be in My Father’s Hands.

Your Jesus


Second Seal: World War 3

My dearest beloved, I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world.

My tears flow this morning, as you can see.*

The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation.

It will start in Europe.

Your banking system will be the cause and Germany, once again, will be involved in this tragedy as it was on the last two occasions.

When it commences, much will be over saving the economy, and catastrophe will affect Greece, with much fallout in France.

The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.

My daughter, I wake you to tell you this, not to frighten you, but to urge much prayer for Europe at this time.

Because of war and lack of money, much of the harvest will be lost and this will lead to the opening of the Third Seal, which means famine.

This is why I now urge all of God’s children to try to stockpile dried and non-perishable food to feed your families. It is important to grow your own harvest if possible.

Remember, however, that prayer can mitigate much of this suffering.

The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on Earth will be sucked into a one world church, in the name of unification.

This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create a false peace and a so-called end to the war.

This peaceful pact will involve the Western world, until China and Russia become involved with world matters.

They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’, Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism.

The ‘Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances.

The Red Dragon and “The Bear” which is Russia do not love God.

They are being led by the antichrist, who is from the East, and who hides behind closed doors.

When these prophesies unfold the whole world will believe in these Messages. There will be no doubts then.

Please recite this Crusade Prayer, as it will help dilute the impact of these events.

Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3

“O Heavenly Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face.
Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy Your Churches and Your children.
We implore You, dear Father, to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war, against their will.
We love You, dear Father.
We beg You to help us in our time of need.
Save us from the grip of the antichrist.
Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it.
Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times so that You can bestow on us the Graces to survive in body and soul. Amen.”

My daughter, I realise that this news may come as a shock, but, remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers, My Remnant Church. You, My children, will survive although it will not be easy.

You will be bullied because of your Christianity, but you will never denounce Me or reject Me.

For this you will be given Gifts. My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies.

Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it blessed by a priest.

Begin your preparation soon for the day of the fallout in Europe is not far away.

Your Jesus

*Note: When Maria was taking down this Message a wet tear rolled down the photo of Jesus in front of her.

Earthquake in Europe & World War

(this is just a small part of the message) 

World War  
My daughter, the prophecies about which I spoke are about to happen. My beloved Vicar does not have much time left in the Vatican, based on events which took place in March. Other events now to be witnessed by mankind include an earthquake in Europe, which will shock many. But this purification will help unite people, which will be for the good of everyone. Other global events including the volcanic eruption will occur now, (*details of location and month with visionary) while war in the Middle East will involve other nations. The other nations from the West will provoke a reaction from Russia and China. All will end in a World War. 

Read more:

Russia & China to cause disruption

(this is just a small part of the message)

Watch now as Russia and China become the third entity to cause disruption. Very soon now, those of you who have given control of your countries to faceless groups who treat you like puppets, will soon see the sinister groups these political forces, not of God, try to dictate how you live. Defend yourselves through prayer. Every day and every hour I will ease your suffering. Receive Me in the Holy Eucharist and you will gain a strength that will sustain you to extraordinary levels during this persecution.

I, Jesus Christ, do not wish to cause panic in your lives. But I cannot stand to the side and not warn you of these events. Out of My Mercy, I Am giving you a chance to prepare; not just for your spiritual welfare, but for the livelihoods of your families. To avoid the mark, please prepare carefully.

The Warning, will without question, ease any such persecutions, because so many will be converted. Pray, pray now for all global conversion, and to dilute any torment that will evolve during the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet.

Your beloved Saviour
Jesus Christ

Mother of Salvation: A new, bitter world war will be declared

My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.

How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred, which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries, by ordinary people, will spread. They will betray their own nations. Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime will be saved by my Son.

The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.

Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary, three times a day, in order to ease the suffering, which will result because of World War III.

Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.

Your Mother
Mother of Salvation

Read more mesages about wars:

Matthew 24:6

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."

Mark 13:7-9

When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains.

You must be on your guard. You will be handed over to the local councils and flogged in the synagogues. On account of me you will stand before governors and kings as witnesses to them.