Monday, 17 November 2014

Is praying to Mary and saints violation of the First Commandment?

I'm Catholic (or better said: I try to be) and I don't find it bad to pray to them.
Let me explain you why.

Our God is Holy Trinity, but we can also have in honor His Mother and saints. They are not gods, but they intercede for us before God just like we can intercede for other sinners or people in purgatory.

It's not worship, it's possibility to ask God through those who already live with Him in His Glory.

They are united with His Will so they want to help Him. It's always like that - when you are united with His Will, you feel a need to help others (that's that unconditional love and God is love itself) - that means  it's act of love which they do for us, they want to please Love - please God.

Don't you know that Love has a need to give others?

God didn't have to create people, angels and other beings. But He did. Why?
I think it was because He needed to share His love with others.

God is nothing like satan, who only loves himself. Love of God isn't selfish.
Isn't that admirable that God is perfect, but humble?

Many Christians are probably persuaded that it's bad when we ask Mary or saints for help. They are worried that it's violation of the First Commandment and I understand their worries.

But we don't ask them for their own help in belief that they have power like God, we ask them to intercede for us before God. That's that difference.

God gave Virgin Mary power to crush the serpent's head. And that's why satan hates her.

She is Co-Redemptrix because a lot of souls would be lost without her intercession and She endured suffering with Jesus very intensively. Read this:

Satan hates Her because he loses a lot of souls from his hands because of Holy Rosary.


He doesn't want us to pray Rosary and lose souls, that's why he spreads lies that it's violation of the First Commandment., but it's not.

God is just one and we know that & respect that.  
Catholics worship only one God - Holy Trinity.