Tuesday, 23 December 2014

My thoughts - Atheists don't exist today

What is atheism?
Atheists don't exist today.  

People worship food. Their stomach. Their body. Their face. Their knowledge. Fashion. Clothing. Entertainment. Sport. Music. Celebrities. Smartphones. Cars. Money.

This is very cool these days. This is what most people do today.

Who learned them to do so? 
Who set these values? 
Whom do they copy and why? 

Did we forget to our own self in order to be conformed with some ideal that doesn't even exist or is it just trying to impress people we don't like either?

Where is this society coming to?

Pride. Falsehood. Arrogance. Envy. Walking statues.
Love and true friendship between people are disappearing. And yet you wonder why?
We worship and love only ourselves.

The devil is pretty smart when he fooled us for the second time with the same sin he fooled Adam and Eve.

Genesis 3:4-5

"You will not certainly die," the serpent said to the woman.

"For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

"being your own god", "love yourself first", "do what you want" are characteristic for satanism.

So what's difference between satanism and atheism?

Some people say that religion is here to control people, but they being controlled by this modern society and mainstream media & yet it is considered as freedom.

There are just two options. 

And I decided to be rather "controlled by religion" than to be controlled by this society & don't even know about it.

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